Global e-Invoicing & Compliance | Roadmap 2022-2023

E-Invoicing and compliance requirements are firmly gaining ground globally and it can be challenging to keep up with upcoming deadlines.

In this webinar featuring PwC you will be updated on the new mandates and latest trends in global e-invoicing and VAT compliance. Moreover, you will learn how we can assist your company to comply with these requirements.

1. Introduction to EDICOM and PwC
Presentation of PwC’s Centre of Excellence on e-invoicing & e-reporting and EDICOM

2. Calendar of upcoming deadlines
Let us guide you through the upcoming deadlines in 2022/2023 for B2B e-invoicing (Poland, KSA, Philippines, Vietnam, etc), B2G e-Invoicing (Belgium, Luxembourg, Australia, etc.), global compliance (SAF-T Romania, VAT report Norway, etc), and many more!

3. EDICOM and PwC’s services
Electronic Compliance Radar (eCR) & Global e-Invoicing Platform

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